Saturday, December 28, 2019

Getting Worse in the Distribution of Income - 539 Words

The studies have shown that 62 percent of the world population has a worsening in the distribution of income. Income distribution is one of the reason economist believe the Samuelsson model is still an hypothesis and have not been able to be proven as more of the world engages in trade. With there being different ways to measure distribution income most of the data collected is confusing to economist. Data from the World Bank show that 2.8 billion people live below the poverty line. Changes in income of the poor house can be changed by two variables first economic growth and distribution of income. According to the author there is growing recognition that distribution is important to poverty reduction as well as growth. Because of this gap in income distribution most economist cannot measure the effect globalization has on a country most country or rank twice with two different numbers making it hard for economist to measure the growth of a country. Samuelsson says that trade shoul d bring in income helping a country rise above poverty because globalization can be measured there no way to tell if globalization has a positive effect on country overall growth. If we take a look at Cross country studies presented by Harrison we see a different take on globalization. It takes a look at the relationship between poverty, inequality and globalization. Easterly finds that increasing trade integration is associated with Falling inequalities within developed countries and greaterShow MoreRelatedEssay Inequality of Wealth and Income Distribution in America1357 Words   |  6 PagesInequality of Wealth and Income Distribution in America Every American dreams of finding a job that pays well enough so that they may comfortably take care of their loved ones and themselves for years to come. Most Americans hope to find some way to make a living that they enjoy, something that they view as productive. Unfortunately, many do not have this luxury. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Can Inducing Neurogenesis Be A Future Treatment For Autism

Could inducing neurogenesis be a future treatment for autism, psychopathy and other disorders linked to functional deficiencies of the amygdala? It has been demonstrated by research that some neurogenesis occurs in the hippocampus and amygdala, which work together to impact memories, emotions and learning, and they are considered responsible for social intelligence. Clinical psychopaths have been shown to have reduced activity in the amygdala when given certain stimuli. Some research suggests that persons with autism also experience deficient functionality in the amygdala. This paper examines the possibility of neurogenesis developing as a therapy for neural disorders. Two structures in the brain work independently and with each other to impact memory and emotions: the amygdala and the hippocampus. The amygdala is linked to fear-conditioning, while the hippocampus is linked to episodic memories, which are those memories that a person can recall whenever wanted [1]. An experiment was performed to demonstrate the independence of the two structures from each other which involved patients with lesions in the amygdala and patients with lesions in the hippocampus. Researchers designed a fear-condition wherein a blue patch applied to the wrist initiated a shock. They found that patients with lesions in the amygdala had no physiological response to the conditioned stimulus (the blue patch) [2], whereas patients with lesions in the hippocampus demonstrated appropriate

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Miranda Debate Essay Example For Students

The Miranda Debate Essay The Miranda DebateMiranda is one of the best-known cases in the history of the Supreme Court. It represents the Courts determination to treat even the lowliest of criminals with the same dignity and respect as the wealthiest celebrity. This case established the Fifth Amendment right of the accused to be informed of their right to counsel and their right not to answer questions. In The Ethical and Policy Debate Regarding Miranda, Section II questions: First, can Mirandas approach to regulating the interrogation process be justified as a reading of the Fifth Amendment, on either constitutional or policy grounds?.. In summarizing this question, there are several considerations supporting the recommendation that the Miranda should be overruled. First, if the Miranda is continued, it violates the constitutional separation of powers and basic principles of federalism. In its current state, it sets a code of procedure for interrogations based on fictions and arguments. Secondly, Miranda impairs the ability of the Government to protect the public by impeding the prosecution of crime. Using the Miranda reduces the willingness of suspects to respond to police questioning. In most criminal cases, the defendants statements are necessary in prosecution, without these statements, criminals can go free. Third, the Miranda is damaging to public confidence, as well as, resulting in injustices to crime victims. It can result in cases where known criminals are released and the victims of these crimes can go through years of pain and insecurity. The Miranda system has handcuffed the judicial system and not allowed a better way of dealing with criminals to be implemented. In my opinion, the Miranda would be unnecessary as long as we abide by the Fifth Amendment rules. Second, what would replace Miranda if it were overruled? It is recommended that the department of justice develop a set of rules or guidelines that carry out interrogations and implement these rules with the renewal of a litigation challenge to Miranda. It is suggested that interrogations be video taped or recorded. The desire for additional guidelines restricting and prohibiting deceptive practices during interrogation should be implemented. Abolishing the Miranda would open the way for comprehensive consideration of pretrial interrogation and related areas of self-incrimination. Third, if Miranda is not overruled, can it be improved and, if so, in what ways? In The Report to the Attorney General, in chapter 7, states: There are several considerations supporting the recommendation that we should see to have Miranda overruled. Its quoted that We have at our disposal a uniquely set of circumstancesseveral resent decisions by the Supreme Court holding in effect, that Miranda is unsound in principle and a statute 18 U.S.C. 3501, that isspecifically designed to overrule it. It is difficult to see how we could fail in making our case. In my opinion, we should go back to following the Fifth Amendment instead of using Miranda as our guideline. Criminals should have the right to a fair trial, but law-abiding citizens should have a right to a feeling of security.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Environmental Strategies Green Crecyling

Question: Discuss about theEnvironmental Strategiesfor Green Crecyling. Answer: Current Consumption The current consumption is not good because there has been the use of facilities that do conserve energy. For example, there has been the use of bulbs, washing machines and fridges that consume a lot of energy. The fridges are also not positioned in strategic areas that can assist in energy conservation. The cooking facilities like woks are also not energy friendly. With proper energy conservation strategies, the management can be able to reduce energy usage by 80 percent. How to monitor energy consumption, Green Crecyling, water consumption and recycling Energy Consumption: One strategy of monitoring energy consumption in the kitchen is by regularly recording the amount of energy that has been consumed in a particular period. For proper monitoring of energy consumption, it is important to install separate meters for electricity and gas. Analyzing three months bills can assist in identifying how consumption has been varying from one month to the other. Green Crecycling: The most efficient way of monitoring green crecycling in a kitchen is by ensuring waste management system is present. It is good to keep a record of the data obtained from a waste scale. Some of the relevant data that must be recorded include; time and date of weighing, the net weight and loss code. Waste audits are also critical in monitoring the level of waste being generated and the cost incurred to manage the waste. It is also good to analyze the rate at which the correct bins are filled and emptied in a particular time. Water Consumption: Water consumption will be monitored by installing water consumption meter on the main pipe. Installing meters and taking the readings from time to time assist in monitoring the level of water consumption in a given time. Installing sub-meters is also important in this case because they will aid in identifying where the areas of greatest use are. Keeping records of monthly bills can also assist in monitoring how water consumption varies from one month to the other[1]. Recycling: One effective way of monitoring recycling in a kitchen is by maintaining data concerning the amount of waste recycled at a particular time. The team should regularly record the amount of waste that was successfully recycled at a particular time and the cost incurred. Step 4: Having identified sustainability, it is clear that water and energy consumption is done well. This is because the strategies used are very effective. The use of these strategies can enable the group to reduce its water and energy consumption at a great percentage[2]. To fully embrace a sustainability environment, it is good to use equipment made from sustainable materials and dodging all toxic chemicals. It is also important to equip the kitchen with energy friendly facilities like; Crock pots, pressure cookers, solar ovens, chest freezers and so forth. It is also important all cooking pots are covered while cooking in order to prevent heat loss. Using the right burner for the right purpose is also advisable. If for example one is using a small pan, it is advisable to use a small burner to prevent the wastage of electricity or gas. The use of separate meters is also ideal because it will assist in identifying the equipment which uses a lot of energy. The green team will consider all these strategies to unsure a sustainable environment has been achieved Bibliography Albino, Balice., Azzurra, Dangelico., Rosa Lacobone. The Effects of Adoption of Environmental Strategies on Greeen Product Development: A Study of Companies on World Sustainability Indices. International Journal of Management, 29, No. 2(2012): 56-71 Jody, Freeman Charles, Kolstad. Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation: Lessons from Twenty Years of Experience. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 20007), 34-62

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Applying Marxist Literary Criticism to Of Mice and Men Essay Example

Applying Marxist Literary Criticism to Of Mice and Men Essay Example Applying Marxist Literary Criticism to Of Mice and Men Paper Applying Marxist Literary Criticism to Of Mice and Men Paper Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a microcosm of reality for the working classes during the great economic depression in the U. S. A. Through the use of generic characters which represent the different echelons that existed at the bottom of society during a period of economic instability – Steinbeck’s novel resists dominant ideologies at the time of publication as the bleak portrayal of the lives of itinerant workers could be interpreted as a statement against capitalism. Karl Marx saw political devices such as ‘The American Dream’ as oppressing the proletariat by giving them false hope. This idea of a false consciousness is evident throughout the novel as Steinbeck uses the recurring theme of dreams in ‘Of Mice and Men’ to illustrate the unsatisfying nature of the lives that the ranch members lived. The fact that all the characters have idealistic dreams of a better life highlights their dissatisfaction with their current predicament. Although the use of dreams such as George’s utopia of an easy and simple existence on a farm could be interpreted as positive because they give the characters hope, the reality which Steinbeck makes clear at the end of the novel is that these dreams are unrealistic and the majority of people in society do not fulfil their ambitions. ‘Someday – we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs’ is repeated many times in the novel to highlight how dreams are used to prevent the proletariat from rising against their oppressors as they are manipulated by the promise of a life that is in reality unobtainable for the vast majority. Thus, resisting the dominant ideology that ‘everybody has an opportunity to be successful’. As the two central characters in the novel, George and Lennie epitomise the average itinerant worker in the sense that they are unskilled workers attempting to survive in a harsh economic climate. Itinerant workers are generally considered as being at the base of an economy, so by illustrating their plight Steinbeck is in fact devaluing the superstructure as the novel highlights the tough living conditions they are subjected to in order increment the wealth of the bourgeoisie. Steinbeck uses George’s perspective to further illustrate his perceived mistreatment of lower economic groups in society. ‘Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place†¦ They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to’ is the overpowering message at the end of the novel as all of the characters are subjected to hardship, tragedy and loneliness yet none are presented as facing a better outlook. This theme of loneliness and isolation also supports the Marxist theory of ‘The forces of production’. Whilst most of the characters in the novel are working at an unforgiving labour intensive job they are still at the bottom of the economic hierarchy. Steinbeck constantly reiterates the loneliness of the characters’ lives in order to highlight that although they are a major force of production there is an absence of enjoyment in the lives of the itinerant workers as they are not properly rewarded for their contributions to the economy. Coupled with the temporary nature of their employment, the workers are shown to be dislocated from reality and other people, living lonely existences and spending what little they earn on perverse pleasures such as gambling and prostitutes. This desire for false gratification could be a symbol for the lack of substance in the workers lives, or in other words Steinbeck’s perceived alienation of ranch workers. Karl Marx believed that workers in capitalist states such as the U. S. A where ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set are psychologically estranged from their work as they do not see the fruits of their work, instead they merely repeat one step of a cycle and are paid a fixed wage which is not relative to the profit the product they create gains. This theory is adopted by Steinbeck as the itinerant nature of the ranch workers job is shown to cause a separation from nature, leaving the workers disillusioned. The workers are given one task to fulfil, for example hauling the crop, and then they repeat this step over and over again until they move to another ranch – never seeing the result of their hard work. This industrialisation of the workers is depicted as having a detrimental effect on the workers psychology by Steinbeck and being the causation for their unhappiness. George and Lennie’s dream to ‘live of the fatta the land’ also forces itself into the fervent desires of Candy and Crooks which supports Marx’s belief that humans yearn for a relationship with nature. In this light, George is shown to resist bourgeoisie values which would stipulate that the industrialisation of workers is necessary for a healthy society which would be based on the assumption that profit is the most important motive – not the mental well-being of the workers. Curley’s wife could be seen as a symbol for those crushed by dominant ideologies and bourgeoisie values. Curley’s wife is portrayed as a vain and attention seeking character in life yet after her tragic death she is also a source of sympathy as Steinbeck shows her in a different light. ‘She was pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young’ contrasts with the flirtatious, provocative and callous woman who endangered Lennie and cruelly threatened to have Crook’s hanged. Steinbeck is implying that the flaws in her character were created and compounded by the system she was born into. The fact that she is not named in the novel is an overt statement of how undervalued she is in society and this contrasts with the dominant ideology at time which is that everybody has equal opportunities to become ‘successful’. Instead of attempting to make the best of life within her means, she dreamed of the ‘high life’ advertised by purveyors of bourgeoisie values in order to preserve a capitalistic state. This meant she accepted the harsh reality of her predicament in the belief she would soon escape it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

TESLA MOTORS, INC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TESLA MOTORS, INC - Research Paper Example Most people have welcomed the new developments brought about by making revolutionary electric cars, but there are still many that are still to be convinced that the electric way and specifically the route taken by Tesla is the future.This work is intended to highlight initiatives that can get more customers on-board1. One of the most apparent concerns by customers about electric cars is the issue of mirage since this specific sector is not as adequately supported by other parties such as power supply. The primary purpose as to why the firm has been in a position to succeed in the market is because it has found a way to achieve a commendable mirage from its batteries. In a revolutionary platform that Tesla built for itself, solving one issue cause the rise of another. The fire that broke out in the Model S raised national and international concerns that the car may not be safe. The source of the fire was recognized to be as a result of an object hitting the batteries at speed.2 Tesla hence has to revise its strategy of building batteries while deliberating over the two issues. Safety is the key concern since the company has already achieved the installation of the batteries that offer the highest mirage in the market. Increasing this mirage is of course a major consideration to be made, but safety should be the key issue. It is essential to get a way to install the batteries in a part of the car that does not pose a hazard for its occupants. Although the Roadster and the Model S can both be considered as successes for the company on the bases of economics and laying a favorable foundation for the company to establish itself, the company has failed to establish a wide range of vehicles for customers to select from. This is of utmost importance seeing to it that competitors have already realized that Tesla is capable of providing proper competition. But Tesla still has some shortcomings such as the availability of only two models for